Ladies In Waiting

Ladies In Waiting


What do you do when you are tired of watching your friends get married, your “love jones” gauge is on high, and you are struggling with your desire to listen to the quiet storm — the timeless tunes of love songs which are popular for late night listening? Do you look to God for strength and comfort? Or, do you turn to something or someone else? The Apostle Paul wrote, “The unmarried woman is concerned with the things of the Lord and how she may please Him” (1 Corinthians 7:32). But is it really that simple? Is it possible to successfully live as a satisfied single? It may sound like a cliché, but turning to God is the only true answer. The Ladies in Waiting 31-day Devotional will remind you to maintain boundaries and guard your gates while still living an abundant life, full of joy! Even more, it will help you draw closer to God and His Word. After all, He said if you come close to Him, He will come close to you (James 4:8).

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